BizLink’s New Online Training Upskills a New Generation of Automation Workers

As Baby Boomers begin to age out of the workforce, manufacturers are struggling to replace their most skilled employees with new generations of talent.

Training lab with robotic demos and a monitor showing BizLink Online Training

According to a study by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, the U.S. manufacturing sector could see a net demand for as many as 3.8 million jobs between 2024 and 2033. Deloitte further predicts that as many as 1.9 million of those jobs could remain unfilled if manufacturers cannot address gaps in skills.

Automation can bridge only so many gaps in productivity — and it too relies on workers qualified to install, operate, and maintain equipment to keep industrial processes flowing. Rather than finding employees who can bring relevant experience to the job, many manufacturers are discovering it’s easier to hire first and train later. Training automation employees not only helps shore up the skills gap but can also be a powerful tool for recruitment and retention.

Building on decades of expertise in instructor-led automation training, BizLink recently launched a new self-paced e-learning platform to help recent hires and learners who want to refresh and retain their knowledge getting up to speed on basic industry skills.

Unveiled at Automate 2024, the new Online Training program offers two courses: Fundamentals of Electricity and Fundamentals of Robotics. More courses will follow next year such as Fundamentals of Industrial Electrical Print Reading or PLC Fundamentals. For now, each of BizLink’s two self-paced fundamentals courses includes six modules made up of 15-minute lessons combining text, simulations, virtual labs, videos, and interactive components. Each lesson is followed by Knowledge Check questions to confirm that students have assimilated key points.

“We designed the courses for automation workers who are unfamiliar with the basics,” said Katie Juronoc, digital development lead for BizLink’s Online Training courses. “So, there was a real need for fundamentals in electricity and robotics, which we regard as prerequisites to building more advanced skills.”

BizLink targeted its online courses at aspiring electricians, high school technologists, maintenance technicians, and mechanical and electrical apprentices. In exchange for seven hours, any student with access to a PC and a web browser can study at their own pace from any location to work through the course to receive a certificate of completion. 

Continuous training cost-effectively empowers employees to become a highly skilled workforce resulting in reduced downtime and improved mean-time-to-repair (MTTR). Learn more about BizLink Automation Systems Training here and contact Jennifer St. John with questions at Jennifer_st.john(ät) or (586) 553-2473.