specialist article
Time is money - save time ordering via our new web shop

With our web shop, we are focusing in particular on selling standard products such as mounting parts and kits, bulk cables, hoses etc. The top-selling products are now available online and will be successively expanded. Powerful search and filter functions, viewing of order history, watch lists and convenient functions, such as reordering or forwarding of shopping baskets, make the ordering process easier for buyers.

#Factory Automation & Machinery 

Improved customer benefits

The web store offers detailed advisory content and more product information than current catalogs or product flyers. Detailed product pages cover all the information at a glance that customers previously had to gather from various documents. Precise product data on dimensions, functionality, quantity, delivery time, price, etc. are presented on one page. High-quality images and helpful data sheets answer questions at a glance.

In addition, BizLink's web shop also simplifies ordering options for customers worldwide. The 24-hour accessibility of the shop, independent of different time zones, is just one advantage. Demographic information such as languages, currencies and shipping information round off the customer benefits.

Digitization across all areas

We have been using the Sales Cloud from Salesforce for 10 years now. Integrating the web store into the existing system via the Salesforce Commerce Cloud was therefore a logical next step. Offering online sales channels is not only important in the current pandemic. For years, the trend has been toward digital channels, increasingly in the B2B sector. These changes in buying behaviour will persist even after the crisis, especially among small customers who already have flexible ordering options. Continuously improving the shopping experience and thereby boosting new customer business is a matter of concern for us.

The introduction of the web shop is an important milestone in terms of digitalization. This should not and cannot be reflected exclusively in product development, but also takes effect in all other areas of our company - this time in the areas of marketing and sales.

We are looking forward to you visiting our web shop. You can browse products without a login. To see price and delivery information and to finally place orders, please contact April Hays at april_hays(ät)bizlinktech.com or 248-484-5546 to get your personal access information.