Custom Cable Assemblies

Build to your specifications

We are specialists in assembly of strands, cables, conductors and cable harnesses – from individual units to mass production. There is virtually no cable that we cannot assemble for you and only a few connectors that we cannot fit for you.

Our service and product range is accordingly comprehensive:

  • assembly of customised cables of all kinds
  • extrusion-coated cables and connectors (casings and sockets) 
  • cable harnesses of all kinds and in all lengths 
  • drag chain harnesses
  • strand harnesses

Custom Cable Systems

Tailor-made design and engineering

We produce customised cable system solutions for areas ranging from factory automation through to complex measurement equipment applications. You will be inspired by our expertise in providing solutions to even your most exacting requirements.

We offer you crucial advantages:

  • a development and systems partner covering bulk cable through to ready-to-install systems
  • components that are precisely matched
  • BizLink’s value chain makes a customised solution as well as rapid availability possible even at the component level
  • no high storage and inventory costs thanks to ready-assembled system solutions and customised logistics systems
  • easy, safe and quick fitting
  • reduced process costs