FAN 800 FANUC R-30iA/R-30iB Series Programming and Electrical Maintenance Hybrid

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Course Information

  • Code ID: FAN 800 R-30iA/R-30iB
  • Course Type: Instructor led, taught with a 40/60 theory to hands-on approach. Theory portions will be followed by lab exercises to ensure an in-depth understanding of all key topics
  • Course Length: 5 days
  • Student Profile: Maintenance Technicians, Skilled Trades, Engineers, Supervisory Staff
  • Prerequisites: Prior FANUC robotics experience

Course Profile

This 5-day core program is designed to prepare each student with the skills necessary for operation, programming, and electrical troubleshooting of the FANUC R-30iA and/or R-30iB robot systems. In order to minimize plant floor downtime, this course focuses on components that exhibit high incidents of faults and failure.

Topics Covered

BizLink Robotic Solutions USA, Inc. offers flexibility in training curriculum. Please ask the instructor for any system-specific information relating to specific applications.

  • Overview of robot system components, including controller, teach pendant, and manipulator
  • Safe operation of robot while working in manual and automatic modes
  • Understanding and correcting robot operational errors using teach pendant error messages
  • Using the robot’s coordinate systems (Joint, World, Tool, User, Jog Frame) to jog the robot
  • Setting up and using local and remote tool center points (TCPs) and user frames
  • Understanding and following program flow using programs, macros, and common robot program instructions, including motion, I/O commands, and logic
  • Executing and stepping through programs for recovery, editing, and path verification
  • Creating and modifying programs, using techniques for path and cycle time optimization
  • Principles of I/O setup and manipulation, including mapping and communications of end effector and PLC signals
  • Solutions for common causes of downtime such as robot crashes, improperly located parts and dunnage, etc.
  • Mastering and calibration on systems with and without dual check safety (DCS)
  • Understanding and recovery of DCS zone faults (2D and 4D) using the teach pendant
  • Installation, removal, and functional identification of the robot controller components: Main Board, Power Supply Board, Panel Board, E-Stop Board, MCC, Servo Amplifier, Auxiliary Axis Amplifier
  • Interpreting error and fault messages, codes, and status LEDs for effective diagnoses of problems
  • Use of electrical schematics to aid in setup and troubleshooting of the robot system (power flow, safety circuits, communications, etc.)
  • Saving and loading various types of robot system backups and images

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Locate, identify and operate the robot control panel and teach pendant.
  • Interpret teach pendant messages and navigate the teach pendant screens and menus.
  • Use the teach pendant to safely move the robot using various coordinate systems, tool center points, and user frames.
  • Access, step and cycle through various programs and positions.
  • Edit, copy, paste, and delete lines in a routine.
  • Touch up existing robot positions and paths as well as edit positional data.
  • Interpret and edit motion instructions and their related data.
  • Insert, edit, and execute advanced motion instructions and offsets.
  • Create, select, and call subroutines and macros.
  • Insert, edit, and execute I/O commands in a program, including end effector control and (simulated) PLC communication.
  • Manipulate I/O signal states.
  • Insert, edit, and execute logic instructions in robot programs.
  • Create and use teach pendant messages and the operator interface.
  • Master and calibrate the robot and understand when and why each procedure is necessary.
  • Understand and explain the configuration of dual check safety (DCS) zones and safe I/O.
  • Connect, configure, map, and troubleshoot I/O signals for end effectors and PLC connections.
  • Install, remove, and identify the functions of components such as the Main Board, Power Supply Board, Panel Board, E-Stop Board, MCC, and Servo Amplifier.
  • Trace power and signal connections using the robot controller and manipulator circuit diagrams.
  • Utilize fault messages and LED indicators to determine which components they are associated with.
  • Save and load robot user backups and controller images.