FAN 700 FANUC R-2000 Series Mechanical Maintenance and Repair

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Course Information

  • Code ID: FAN 700 R-2000
  • Course Type: Instructor led, taught with a 30/70 theory to hands-on approach. Theory portions will be followed by lab exercises to ensure an in-depth understanding of all key topics
  • Course Length: 3 days
  • Student Profile: Maintenance Technicians, Skilled Trades, Engineers, Supervisory Staff
  • Prerequisites: General mechanical experience

Course Profile

This 3-day core program is designed to prepare each student with the skills necessary for performing preventive maintenance and mechanical repair of the Fanuc R-2000 series robot.

Topics Covered

BizLink Robotic Solutions USA, Inc. offers flexibility in training curriculum. Please ask the instructor for any system-specific information relating to specific applications.

  • Overview and identification of robot arm components, including motors, cables, and mechanical joints
  • Basic robot operations necessary to prepare the robot arm for mechanical service
  • Using the teach pendant for safe movement of the robot into mechanical maintenance positions
  • Proper safety considerations used for robot repair, including positioning, securing, and rigging
  • Tools required for each maintenance and/or repair procedure
  • Proper torque values for each arm and axis assembly
  • Removal and remounting of the end effector, including pneumatic and electrical components (if present)
  • Removal, disassembly, reassembly, and replacement of the wrist
  • Removal, disassembly, reassembly, and replacement of the torque shaft assembly
  • Removal and replacement of the upper arm assembly, including motors and electrical cables
  • Removal and installation of the axis 3 gear reduction unit (GRU)
  • Removal, disassembly, reassembly, and replacement of the counterbalance cylinder
  • Removal and installation of the lower arm assembly, including motors and electrical cables
  • Removal and installation of the axis 2 GRU
  • Removal and installation of the axis 1 motor
  • Mastering procedures after changes to a mechanical axis
  • Preventive maintenance schedules and procedures (lubrication, backlash checks, etc.)
  • Proper lubrication of each axis

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and describe all key mechanical components of the robot system.
  • Use the teach pendant to safely jog the robot arm to maintenance and repair positions.
  • Use safe tools and procedures for maintaining and repairing the robot arm.
  • Remove and remount the end effector.
  • Remove and replace the wrist assembly.
  • Remove and replace the torque shaft assembly.
  • Remove and replace the upper arm assembly.
  • Remove and replace the axis 3 gear reduction unit (GRU).
  • Remove and replace the counterbalance cylinder.
  • Remove and replace the lower arm assembly.
  • Remove and replace the axis 2 GRU.
  • Remove and replace the axis 1 motor.
  • Master an axis after performing repairs on it.
  • Perform preventive maintenance on the robot arm according to prescribed schedules.
  • Perform proper lubrication techniques for each axis of the robot arm.