SIE 1200 Siemens TIA Portal Level 2

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Course Information

  • Code ID: SIE 1200
  • Course Type: Instructor led, taught with a 40/60 theory to hands-on approach. Theory sections are followed by lab exercises to ensure an in-depth understanding of all key topics
  • Course Length: 5 days
  • Student Profile: Maintenance Technicians, Skilled Trades, and Engineers
  • Prerequisites: Siemens Level 1

Course Profile

This five-day core program is designed to prepare each student with the skills necessary for operation, maintenance, and basic operational troubleshooting of a Siemens 1500 series PLC with TIA Portal software.

Topics Covered

BizLink Robotic Solutions USA, Inc. offers flexibility in training curriculum. Please ask the instructor for any system-specific information relating to specific applications.

  •  System Overview: Safety, IP67 Block I/O, IP67 Scalable I/O, IP20 Scalable I/O, Safety Modules, ET200MP, ET200SP
  •  Distributed Fieldbus Hardware Configuration: Basic Tasks, CPU Memory Reset, Adding Fieldbus Interface Modules, Adding Signal Modules to Scalable Systems, I&M Data, PROFINET Commissioning, Motion Commissioning, Troubleshooting
  • PLC Programming II: Comparisons, VARIANT Comparison Instructions, Math, Conversions, Legacy Conversion Blocks, Shift, Mask
  • PLC Programming II – Functions (FC): FC (Subroutines), FC with Parameters
  • PLC Programming II – Function Blocks (FB): FB (Multi-instance), Siemens FB/FC Libraries
  • Data Blocks: Monitoring and Modifying Tags in Data Blocks, Complex Data Types, Instance DB, Block Move, Legacy Move, Fill Block, LIFO and FIFO
  • Safety Overview: OSHA Regulations and Employer Requirements, Stop Categories, Safety Integrated Risk Assessment, Level of Safety Performance, Determination of the Safety Integrity Level, Distributed Safety, PROFIsafe, PROFINET, Failsafe PLC CPU, Hardware and Software Signature, Safety Blocks, Telegrams, Safety Acceptance Test
  • Safety Hardware and Programming: Safety Hardware Configuration Using TIA Portal, E-stop Circuit (Wiring, Configuring, Testing), Safety Gate Circuit (Wiring, Configuring, Testing)
  • Trace and Troubleshooting Tools Review: Trace, Search and Cross Reference, Watch and Force Tables, Online and Quick or Detailed Comparison, Monitor/Modify, Trigger

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify IP20 and IP67 I/O Hardware.
  • Identify connections, indicators, etc.
  • Describe PROFIBUS and PROFINET Addressing.
  • Describe safety hardware.
  • Describe how fieldbus hardware is configured.
  • Demonstrate 1500 Series PROFIBUS addressing using TIA Portal software.
  • Demonstrate 1500 Series PN addressing using TIA Portal software.
  • Demonstrate the use of compare instructions.
  • Demonstrate the use of math instructions.
  • Demonstrate the use of FCs.
  • Demonstrate the use of FBs (multi-instance.)
  • Demonstrate the creation, modification and accessing of global data blocks.
  • Demonstrate how to use block moves, Fill, and FIFO instructions.
  • Demonstrate how to create and manage global libraries.
  • Describe HMI and visualization basics.
  • Describe the principles of safety and risk reduction.
  • Describe safety hardware and how it’s used in the PLC.
  • Demonstrate the use of the cross-reference function for the purpose of searching addresses, establishing address usage, problem structure, unused symbols, identifying address without symbols, filter, and compare blocks.
  • Demonstrate opening, navigating, tool usage, and understanding the structure of a sample project using TIA Portal.