ABB 200 ABB IRC5 Series Operational Troubleshooting

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Course Information

  • Code ID: ABB 200 IRC5
  • Course Type: Instructor led, taught with a 40/60 theory to hands-on approach. Theory portions will be followed by lab exercises to ensure an in-depth understanding of all key topics
  • Course Length: 2 days
  • Student Profile: Operators, Team Leads, Supervisory Staff
  • Prerequisites: None

Course Profile

This 2-day core program is designed to prepare each student with the skills necessary for operations and basic operational troubleshooting of the ABB IRC5 robot system.

Topics Covered

BizLink Robotic Solutions USA, Inc. offers flexibility in training curriculum. Please ask the instructor for any system-specific information relating to specific applications.

  • Overview and identification of the control panel, FlexPendant, robot arm and basic system components
  • Safe operation of robot while working in manual and automatic modes
  • Understanding and correcting robot operational errors using FlexPendant error message screens
  • Using the joystick and coordinate systems (Joint, World, Tool, User Frame) to jog the robot free from collisions
  • Adjusting jogging and program execution settings using the QuickSet menu
  • Recognizing SafeMove errors and following plant protocols for recovery
  • Understanding and following program flow using subroutines and common robot program commands
  • Executing and stepping through programs to recover to home and other known positions
  • Understanding inputs and outputs for end effector recovery
  • Solutions for common causes of downtime such as robot crashes, improperly located parts, and various problems with dunnage

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Locate, identify and operate the robot control panel and FlexPendant.
  • Interpret FlexPendant messages and navigate the FlexPendant screens and menus.
  • Safely move the robot with the joystick, using various coordinate systems, tool center points, and work object frames.
  • Jog the robot clear from parts, dunnage and tooling to prepare for recovery.
  • Access, step and cycle through key motion programs and positions for recovery and homing purposes.
  • Follow robot program flow through various instructions and subroutines.
  • Interpret and manipulate I/O signals for end effector recovery.
  • Determine simplest recovery techniques for various robot downtime events.
  • Restart the robot system in automatic mode.